newswire, breaking water news

Monday, March 22, 2010

Water- Presents Q&A Interview with Middlesex Water Company (NASDAQ:MSEX) for World Water Day

Water- Presents Q&A Interview with Middlesex Water Company (NASDAQ:MSEX) for World Water Day

Point Roberts WA, DELTA, BC –March 22, 2010, an investor and industry portal for the water sector within, presents an interview with Mr. Dennis W. Doll , Vice Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Middlesex Water Company (NASDAQ:MSEX) following the theme of World Water Day, March 22nd.

Water- Interview with Mr. Dennis W. Doll, Vice Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Middlesex Water Company (NASDAQ:MSEX)

Q- Dawn Van Zant at

UN-Water has chosen ''Clean Water for a Healthy World" as the theme for World Water Day 2010. For investors that don’t know the history of Middlesex Water Company, can you give us a summary of how your company has played a key role in the water industry in the past, leading up to your current position in the sector?

A- Mr. Dennis W. Doll, Vice Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer and of Middlesex Water Company (NASDAQ:MSEX)

The availability of a reliable supply of clean, safe drinking water is a major concern both on the global stage and locally and it’s an issue we take very seriously at Middlesex Water Company. Our company was incorporated in 1897 as a water utility primarily serving customers in eastern Middlesex County, New Jersey. Over time, our business, as well as the areas in which we operate, has grown and evolved. In addition to establishing a solid retail and wholesale revenue base in New Jersey, we entered into a public private partnership agreement with a major New Jersey city in 1998. We acquired other water and wastewater companies in New Jersey, and in 1992 expanded to Delaware where we acquired a 2,400 customer system which has since grown to more than 40,000 customers. We entered the regulated wastewater business in Delaware in 1995 (a key growth driver for the Company) and also added numerous additional water and wastewater contract operations to our portfolio. Presently, we are largely a New Jersey and Delaware company which just recently expanded its footprint to Pennsylvania through the acquisition of assets of a small system in that state. We differentiate ourselves from our peers in the industry in that we are one company offering developers, municipalities and small system owners a complete suite of services which includes water production and treatment, wastewater collection and treatment, full service contract operations and design/build/ownership and operation of assets. We are capable of providing these services as either a regulated utility or as a contract operator. We implement whatever business model best balances all the needs of the prospective customer. We have increasingly demonstrated our ability to grow the business profitably and we have the technical and operational expertise, financing capability and solutions-based philosophy that addresses present and future water and wastewater challenges.

Q- Dawn Van Zant at

In previous interviews on our site, water expert Mr. William Brennan noted that, “Water stocks are not recession proof but are recession resistant. “ In line with that, your corporate dividend history for investors is impressive, paying dividends since 1912. Can you explain some of the factors influencing performance of water stocks and expand on your dividend history to investors?

A- Mr. Dennis W. Doll, Vice Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer and of Middlesex Water Company (NASDAQ:MSEX)

No one can argue that water is essential to life. In that regard, the growing opportunities in this industry through public private partnerships and outright sale of municipal assets, the need for long term investment to upgrade water infrastructure, the regulated utility business model and our growth profile, suggest that Middlesex Water could be an essential part of an investment portfolio for investors seeking reasonable and steady growth in earnings per share. While weather and the ability to obtain recovery through the regulatory framework of investments in utility infrastructure impact sector performance, we are well positioned to grow the company through organic growth (adding customers to new or existing systems), strategic and profitable acquisitions, regulated and non-regulated operating contracts and complementary products and services. Investors are also compelled by our robust dividend yield and Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase plans. Middlesex Water has paid quarterly dividends for 97 years, and, in 2009, increased its dividend for the 37th consecutive year. We are proud of this strong dividend history, our record as a Mergent Dividend Champion and understand the importance of this dividend to our shareholders.

Q- Dawn Van Zant at

Water conservation and usage is a key issue in addressing global water issues. Middlesex Water Company just announced joining with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) WaterSense® program in promoting "Fix a Leak Week," March 15 through 21, 2010 to encourage residents to check household plumbing fixtures and irrigation systems for leaks. Can you expand on this initiative and others your company is involved in?

A- Mr. Dennis W. Doll, Vice Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer and of Middlesex Water Company (NASDAQ:MSEX)

Water is a renewable resource and we are fortunate to enjoy an adequate supply of water in the areas in which we do business. But to ensure the availability of such resources well into the future we constantly encourage our customers to use water wisely. Our ongoing partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense Program, of which Fix a Leak Week is one initiative, helps us to educate our customers about how to decrease indoor and outdoor water use through simple water-saving practices, available on our website, and WaterSense labeled water-efficient products. By the very nature of our business, we are an environmental steward, advocating for the protection of our watershed areas and the preservation of our natural resources. The Company is very involved in outreach to customers, local schools and municipal officials and in 2009 received recognition as a Green Leadership Award winner for its education efforts and commitment to renewable energy. We power 10% of the energy needs of our largest treatment plan in New Jersey with an onsite solar energy system, a demonstrated commitment to sustainable business practices, which gained our Company recognition as an Outstanding Green Business Leader in 2008. Electric power is one of the largest line-item costs for a water utility due to the fact that it requires a great deal of energy to treat water and to transport it over long distances through our distribution system. We are grateful that this successful project not only reduces operating costs but also, makes a contribution toward protecting our environment. Other initiatives include an active leak detection program, an ongoing effort to improve our business processes and use of technology, and our main cleaning and lining program, which is designed to cost-effectively upgrade our water infrastructure including water mains, valves and hydrants. These efforts are designed to improve services to our customers and improve shareholder value.

Q- Dawn Van Zant at

As a closing note, we frequently ask industry leaders in the water sector to address the critical need to pay attention to water investment in the cleantech space. Ceres.Org, released a report last year, “Water Scarcity & Climate Change: Growing Risks for Businesses & Investors", noting that water is an area that needs more attention. Can you give us your thoughts on this an executive in the industry?

A- Mr. Dennis W. Doll, Vice Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer and of Middlesex Water Company (NASDAQ:MSEX)

As municipalities wrestle with increasing fiscal challenges, aging utility infrastructure, increasingly stringent water quality regulations and a transitioning workforce, the need to ensure the continual delivery of a reliable supply of safe drinking water will grow more complex, challenging and critical. While this presents opportunities for the investor-owned sector and therefore, opportunities for appropriate shareholder returns, it also highlights the need to better educate customers and residents about the true cost of providing reliable water and wastewater service, and the importance of infrastructure upgrades and replacement. Interest in the water space has continued to grow in recent years, both domestically and internationally. Regardless of the size and scope of any individual water system, we view this as a very local business, that directly influences the health and welfare of the residents served as well as the local economy. We believe strongly in the importance of maintaining relationships with our customers, local officials and regulators, ensuring our employees possess the tools and training to deliver quality service and providing solutions to municipalities and developers seeking answers to their water and wastewater challenges. Our strength lies in our expertise, our people and our vision for growth and these will contribute to shareholder value.

About Middlesex Water Company

Incorporated as a water utility in 1897, Middlesex Water Company (NASDAQ:MSEX) provides a full range of regulated and non-regulated water, wastewater utility and related services in parts of New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania. Middlesex Water engages in collecting, treating, distributing and selling water for domestic, commercial, municipal industrial and fire protection purposes.

Visit the Middlesex Water Company (NASDAQ:MSEX) Showcase Profile on and

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About and are positioning to be a leading destination for cleantech investors researching the water space., a portal within the content umbrella, offers investors research tools, news, Blogs, online conferences, Podcasts, interviews and a directory of public companies within the water sector.

Investors following the water sector can subscribe to the news feed at

About creates a meeting place for investing ideas to take form and come to life in an entrepreneurial environment, servicing the needs of small investors and start- up companies to large conglomerates! We cover multiple industry sectors but specialize in environmental and water.

Disclaimer: Middlesex Water Company (NASDAQ:MSEX) is an advertising showcase company on and Please read compensation disclosure links below.

Our sites do not make recommendations. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. We attempt to research thoroughly, but we offer no guarantees as to the accuracy of information presented. All Information relating to featured companies is sourced from public documents and/ or the company and is not the opinion of our web sites. This site is currently compensated by featured showcase companies MSEX, news submissions and online advertising. Compensation Disclosure and disclaimers:,

For more info on Middlesex Water Company (NASDAQ:MSEX)
Bernadette M. Sohler
Vice President - Corporate Affairs

For More info on
Dawn Van Zant 800-665-0411


Web Site:

__________________________________________________ and are positioning to be a leading destination for cleantech investors researching the water space. The new water news feed Water Stocks News at and the global water stocks directory are two of the top tools available in addition to industry commentary and interviews.
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Valcent Products (OTCBB: VCTZF) VertiCrop high density vertical growth system technology addresses water use Reports on Water footprint of Agriculture for World Water Day

Valcent Products (OTCBB: VCTZF) VertiCrop high density vertical growth system technology addresses water use
POINT ROBERTS, WA and DELTA, BC –March 18, 2010 and its water investor portal,, report on the virtual water footprint of agriculture as World Water Day, March 22 approaches.

The overall goal of the World Water Day on 22 March 2010 campaign is to raise the profile of water quality at the political level so that water quality considerations are made alongside those of water quantity. As issues of water quality and water scarcity are addressed; agriculture having one of the greatest impacts on the global water footprint is a primary topic of concern.

One company working at providing a partial solution is Valcent Products Inc. (OTCBB: VCTZF), with its VertiCrop high density vertical growth system technology. Chris Bradford, CEO of Valcent Products Inc noted “ World Water Day is becoming increasingly important in creating awareness of severe shortages of potable and useable water in most places in the world. In this regard, Valcent’s two core business plans to market both the Verticrop and Alphacrop is timely in that these high density vertical growing systems save up to 95% of the water used in a field crop to produce the same amount of vegetables. This sustainable water savings is becoming more critical in many drought areas which in turn has an impact on food security as well. “

According to Thomas M. Kostigen, author of "The Green Blue Book: The Simple Water-Savings Guide to Everything in Your Life", being released on World Water Day, March 22; “It takes about 123 gallons of water to grow a pound of oats, for example. So the virtual water count of this pound of oats is 123 gallons. Now, extend this to a slice of beef. Since cattle have to feed on oats or some other grain and obviously need to drink water themselves, their virtual water count is higher than that of what they chew. It also takes water to process their meat. The virtual water footprint of a pound of beef, therefore, is 1,500 gallons. When you understand that there's a virtual water count to producing everything -- a beer (20 gallons), a glass of wine (30 gallons), a cup of coffee (37 gallons), a cup of tea (5 gallons), a car (39,000 gallons), a bicycle (480 gallons) -- you can make water-smart choices.”

Full article:

More info on the Green Blue Book:

Mrs. Margaret Catley-Carlson, Chair of the Global Agenda Council on Water Security commenting on WATER PERSPECTIVES FROM DAVOS 2010 reports, “A major new exercise on a Vision for Agriculture attracted most of the world’s elite Food Production people; water was a frequently mentioned, together with (still nascent) ideas on how to support the efforts to use less water yet grow more food.”

Full article:

The reason this is such an urgent issue is explained at, “Global crop production requires more than 6 trillion cubic meters of water each year, with nearly a quarter of supplies flowing to rice paddies. Livestock production requires the most water resources in the food chain. One hamburger, for instance, needs 2,400 liters of water on average.”

For More info on World Water Day- Visit:

About Valcent: Featured showcase company on,

Valcent Products Inc. (OTCBB: VCTZF) is a leader in the development and manufacturing of commercial vertical crop technology for global markets. Valcent is a pioneer and leader in ecotechnology with its core research and development in sustainable, renewable, and intensive agricultural products. For more information, visit: and

Request news and stock alerts from Valcent Products Inc. (OTCBB: VCTZF)

About Water Stocks and are positioning to be a leading destination for cleantech investors researching the water space., an investor portal within the content umbrella, offers water investors sector- close- ups, research tools, news, Blogs, online conferences, Podcasts , interviews and a directory of publicly traded global water stocks (

The water-stocks content hub has created a global marketplace and meeting place for investors, public companies, industry buyers and sellers of water technology, services and water assets. and water – work with private companies in the water space seeking funding and joint ventures through the global marketplace.

Investors following the water sector can subscribe to the news feed at Water companies can submit news and press releases online to be included in the new syndicated water stocks feed at

About creates a meeting place for investing ideas to take form and come to life in an entrepreneurial environment, servicing the needs of small investors and start- up companies to large conglomerates! We cover multiple industry sectors but specialize in environmental and water.

Investors are also reminded to sign up for the launch of the new free investor newsletter – the next great investor idea! Investors can sign up for the new free newsletter on the pop- up box on the home page of or the newsletter sign up page.

Disclaimer: Our sites do not make recommendations. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. We attempt to research thoroughly, but we offer no guarantees as to the accuracy of information presented. All Information relating to featured companies is sourced from public documents and/ or the company and is not the opinion of our web sites. This site is currently compensated by featured showcase companies including Valcent Products Inc. (OTCBB: VCTZF) $3000 for March 2010, news submissions and online advertising. Read our Compensation Disclosure and disclaimers.

For More Information

Dawn Van Zant 800-665-0411

Web Site:


Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Reports on China Listed Water Stocks as Drought Moves in Reports on China Listed Water Stocks as Drought Moves in
POINT ROBERTS, WA and DELTA, BC –March 17 , 2010, reports on China listed water stocks for investors following the water sector. World Water Day, held March 22, 2010 addresses global water issues including pollution and scarcity, with China facing both issues at a rapidly growing pace.

According to a recent article in China Peoples Daily, entitled “Drought continues to wreak havoc in southwestern China “ ( the number of people effected is serious. It said the worst-hit areas include Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chongqing Municipality. More than 20 million people in total were suffering water shortages.

Chinese water stocks are getting investor attention as a result.

China Listed Water Stocks :

Zhejiang Leo Co (Shanghai:002131.SZ) is the largest manufacturer and exporter of small pumps and garden machinesin China, located in Wenling, Zhejiang. Not only a manufacturer, Leo also aims to be a global solution provider for water pumps and garden machines. It continuously diversifies its products range according to customer needs, now with more than 550 items.

Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Co. (Shanghai:600416.SH) is a company engaged in the manufacture and sale of mechanical and electrical products. The Companys pump industry division includes hot water pumps, submersible pumps and marine pumps among others.

Qianjiang Water Resources Development Co., Ltd. (SHA:600283) China-is principally engaged in the generation and supply of tap water, as well as the development and operation of real estate. The Company also provides electric power, pipe installation services and digital products.

Anhui Water Resources Development Co., (Shanghai:600502.SH) is principally engaged in the undertaking of engineering projects, the development of real estate, the utilization of water resources, the generation of hydroelectric power, build-transfer (BT) investment and new building materials business. During the year ended December 31, 2008, the Company won 71 bids of engineering projects, conducted Bailianya hydropower station project and Longzi Lake water resource developing project and continued to develop BESTWAY residential building system. The Company operates its business in domestic markets and to overseas markets.

Research water stocks - Visit the water stocks directory: and are positioning to be a leading destination for cleantech investors researching the water space. Investors can track trends in water with new columns, Hydrocommerce Corner - Where Water & Money Meet with Bill Brennan and BlueTech Tracker with Paul O’Callaghan. and have created a directory of global publicly traded water stocks that investors can purchase in PDF format. The directories are also now sold and published through global research firms including Research and Markets, and as well as several cleantech websites. A growing list of partners is available at,

Investors following the water sector can subscribe to the news feed at Water companies can submit news and press releases online to be included in the new syndicated water stocks feed at, an investor portal within the content umbrella, offers water investors sector- close- ups, research tools, news, Blogs, online conferences, Podcasts , interviews and a directory of public companies within the water sector .The water-stocks content hub has created a global marketplace and meeting place for investors, public companies, industry buyers and sellers of water technology, services and water assets. and water – work with private companies in the water space seeking funding and joint ventures through the global marketplace.

Investors are also reminded to sign up for the launch of the new free investor newsletter – the next great investor idea! Investors can sign up for the new free newsletter on the pop- up box on the home page of or the newsletter sign up page.

About us

Visit the Marketplace for water opportunities for business and investors creates a meeting place for investing ideas to take form and come to life in an entrepreneurial environment, servicing the needs of small investors and start- up companies to large conglomerates! We cover multiple industry sectors but specialize in environmental and water.
Disclaimer: Our sites do not make recommendations. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. We attempt to research thoroughly, but we offer no guarantees as to the accuracy of information presented. All Information relating to featured companies is sourced from public documents and/ or the company and is not the opinion of our web sites. This site is currently compensated by featured showcase companies including Wescorp Energy (WSCE), news submissions and online advertising. Read our Compensation Disclosure and disclaimers.

For More Information Contact:

Dawn Van Zant 800-665-0411


Web Site:

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Water Stocks; SouthWest Water Company (NASDAQ:SWWC) Signs Agreement to be Acquired by Long-Term Infrastructure Investor Group

Water Stocks; SouthWest Water Company (NASDAQ:SWWC) Signs Agreement to be Acquired by Long-Term Infrastructure Investor Group
Transaction Highlights:

•All-cash offer of $11 per share, plus near-term cash injection of $16 million to assist with capital investments
•Provides long-term access to capital to invest in SouthWest Water Company’s service territories to the benefit of customers
•Seamless transition and continuity in SouthWest Water Company’s business approach, management and employee base
•Ongoing commitment to customer service, service reliability and local community involvement
•Investors experienced in owning and operating water and other regulated utilities

LOS ANGELES, Calif.--( water stocks newswire) --SouthWest Water Company (NASDAQ:SWWC) today announced it has entered into a definitive merger agreement to be acquired for approximately $275 million in cash, or $11.00 per share, by institutional investors advised by J.P. Morgan Asset Management and Water Asset Management L.L.C. (the partnership).

“Our partnership is committed to funding necessary maintenance and upgrades over the long-term.”
.The all-cash offer represents a 56% premium over SouthWest Water’s closing share price on March 2, 2010 and a premium of 71% over the average 30-day closing price ended March 2, 2010. After taking into account SouthWest Water’s outstanding debt the transaction represents a total enterprise value of approximately $427 million.

The Board of Directors of SouthWest Water and the members of the partnership unanimously approved the agreement, which is subject to customary closing conditions, including approval of SouthWest Water's shareholders and various regulatory agencies.

“I am excited about the opportunity that this transaction presents for our customers, employees and the communities we serve, as well as the value it provides to our shareholders," said Mark Swatek, president and chief executive officer of SouthWest Water. "The partnership is extremely committed to our industry and its infrastructure needs, as well as the stability of the company’s operations, quality customer service and community involvement. We are confident that this transaction will facilitate SouthWest Water’s access to long-term capital and enhances our ability to invest in systems to the benefit of the customers and communities we serve.”

Andrew Walters, vice president of J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s Infrastructure Investments Group, said, "We believe that SouthWest Water is an excellent, long-term investment for the partnership. We look forward to working with SouthWest Water’s experienced management and talented workforce to deliver cost effective customer service to a growing customer base over time. A seamless transition and continuity are high priorities for us and we look forward to continuing to work with management and employees in the company’s service territories to ensure continued responsiveness to needs of local customers and communities.”

"SouthWest Water has made a significant commitment to improve the water service infrastructure in the regions it serves, and, in turn, enhance service and reliability to its customers," said Disque Deane Jr. of Water Asset Management. "Our partnership is committed to funding necessary maintenance and upgrades over the long-term.”

Prior to the closing of the acquisition, members of the partnership will invest approximately $16 million in 2.7 million newly issued SouthWest Water shares under a private placement, priced at $6.00 per share. SouthWest Water intends to use the proceeds to assist the financing of ongoing utility infrastructure investments. As the offer and sale of the shares of common stock will not be registered under the Securities Act of 1933 or applicable state securities laws, the shares of common stock may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from such registration requirements. This document is being issued pursuant to and in accordance with Rule 135c under the Securities Act and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the shares of common stock.

Upon completion of the transaction, SouthWest Water's common stock will cease to be publicly traded. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC acted as financial advisor to the Special Committee of the Board of Directors of SouthWest Water which was formed to evaluate SouthWest Water’s strategic alternatives. Macquarie Capital (USA) Inc. acted as financial advisor to the partnership.

Conference Call

The company will hold a conference call to discuss the transaction at 12:30 p.m. Eastern (9:30 a.m. Pacific). The call will be web cast live so that interested parties may listen over the Internet at the company’s website at under the investor relations button at the top of the page. For those unable to participate in the live web cast, a replay will be available shortly after the call on the company’s website. A telephonic replay will also be available beginning at 3:30 p.m. Eastern (12:30 p.m. Pacific) until midnight March 10, 2010 at 888.286.8010 (international callers 617.801.6888), passcode 37139231.

About SouthWest Water Company

SouthWest Water Company provides a broad range of operations, maintenance and management services, including water production, treatment and distribution; wastewater collection and treatment; customer service; and utility infrastructure construction management. The company owns regulated public utilities and also serves cities, utility districts and private companies under contract. More than a million people in 9 states depend on SouthWest Water for high-quality, reliable service. Additional information may be found on the company’s website:

About J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Global Real Assets

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Global Real Assets has approximately $43 billion in real estate and infrastructure assets, as of December 31, 2009. With a 40-year history of successful investing and a staff of 359 professionals, J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Global Real Assets identifies, analyzes, negotiates, acquires, develops, redevelops, renovates, operates, maintains, finances and sells assets, on behalf of its clients. J.P. Morgan Asset Management's broad investment capabilities and framework for analyzing opportunities in today's complex real estate and infrastructure markets provide critical insights for its institutional clients in both the public and private markets.

About J.P. Morgan Asset Management

J.P. Morgan Asset Management, with assets under supervision of $1.5 trillion, is a global leader in investment and wealth management. J.P. Morgan Asset Management's clients include institutions, retail investors and high-net worth individuals in every major market throughout the world. J.P. Morgan Asset Management offers global investment management in equities, fixed income, real estate, hedge funds, private equity and liquidity. J.P. Morgan Asset Management provides trust and estate, banking and brokerage services to high-net-worth clients and retirement services for corporations and individuals. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM), the parent company of J.P. Morgan Asset Management, is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $2.1 trillion and operations in more than 60 countries. Information about JPMorgan Chase & Co. is available at

About Water Asset Management, L.L.C.

Water Asset Management, L.L.C. is a water industry focused investment firm, that invests exclusively in water related companies and assets worldwide. As the third largest shareholder of SouthWest Water Company, WAM has been a committed and engaged shareholder for many years. Additional information is available at

Forward-Looking Statements

This document contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements, including, but not limited to, statements relating to the proposed transaction and its potential effects on the company and its operations, involve risks and uncertainties, as well as assumptions that, if they prove incorrect or never materialize, could cause the results of the company to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from these expectations due to changes in regulatory, political, weather, economic, business, competitive, market, environmental and other factors. More detailed information about these factors is contained in the company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including under the caption “Risk Factors” in the company’s 2008 Annual Report on Form 10-K. The company assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect any change in future events.

Additional Information

In connection with the proposed transaction, SouthWest Water will file a proxy statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Before making any voting or investment decision, investors and security holders are urged to carefully read the entire proxy statement and any other relevant documents filed with the SEC, as well as any amendments or supplements to those documents, because they will contain important information about the proposed transaction. A definitive proxy statement will be sent to shareholders in connection with the proposed transaction. Investors and security holders may obtain a free copy of the proxy statement (when available) and other documents filed at the SEC's website at The proxy statement and such other documents may also be obtained at no cost from SouthWest Water by directing the request to SouthWest Water Company, 624 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2900, Los Angeles, CA, 90017, Attention: Shareholder Services.

The company and its directors, executive officers and other members of its management and employees may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from the security holders of the company in connection with the proposed transaction. Information concerning the special interests of these directors, executive officers and other members of the company’s management and employees in the proposed transaction will be included in the company’s proxy statement referenced above. Information regarding the company’s directors and executive officers is also available in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008 and in its proxy statement for its 2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, which documents are filed with the SEC. These documents are available free of charge at the SEC’s website at and from the company at the address provided above.
_____________________________ and are positioning to be a leading destination for cleantech investors researching the water space. The new water news feed Water Stocks News at and the global water stocks directory are two of the top tools available in addition to industry commentary and interviews.
Visit the water stocks directory to research publicly traded water companies:

Friday, February 26, 2010

Water Stocks News - Tampa Bay Desalination Plant Achieves Performance Milestones

Water Stocks News - Tampa Bay Desalination Plant Achieves Performance Milestones

Tampa Bay Water and American Water-Acciona Agua hit 25 MGD for 4 months mark, 20 MGD for 12 months

CLEARWATER, Fla.--( water stocks newswire )--Tampa Bay Water, American Water (NYSE:AWK), and Acciona Agua announced today that the Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Facility, the largest seawater desalination plant in the U.S., has passed the final two performance milestone tests. The tests required the plant to produce 25 million gallons of water per day (MGD) for 120 consecutive days and also average 20 MGD for 12 consecutive months. Both milestones were successfully completed this February.

“American Water is pleased to be a partner with Tampa Bay Water and Acciona Agua in delivering such a significant water solution”
.“The completion of the last of a series of operational milestones at the Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination facility is an achievement for all of the region’s water customers,” said Gerald Seeber, General Manager of Tampa Bay Water. “The Facility provides an important, drought-proof component to the region’s water supply system and is a true example of a successful public-private partnership.”

At 25 MGD, the plant provides about 10 percent of the Tampa Bay region’s drinking water supply and is operated by American Water and Acciona Agua through the joint venture American Water – Acciona Agua LLC. The desalination plant serves as a model that other coastal communities may consider as a practical and sustainable solution to ease their water challenges.

“American Water is pleased to be a partner with Tampa Bay Water and Acciona Agua in delivering such a significant water solution,” said Don Correll, president and CEO of American Water. “This innovative plant meets the growing water needs of the Tampa Bay area and has produced more than 18 billion gallons of water for 2.5 million customers in the last two years.”

Luis Castilla, President for ACCIONA Agua SA, stated, “The public-private partnership with Tampa Bay Water highlights our commitment to the Tampa Bay region that the facility can deliver.”

As a result of passing the test, Tampa Bay Water will receive $31.25 million dollars from the Southwest Florida Water Management District, commonly known as SWFWMD. SWFWMD had pledged funds to help build the plant, but had required the plant to achieve four performance benchmarks prior to releasing all the funds.

Seawater desalination is a sustainable, drought-proof, environmentally sound source of drinking water. Groundwater from aquifers and surface water from rivers is already part of Tampa Bay Water's regional system, but seawater desalination was selected to add another element of diversity and drought-resistance to the region's water supply network.

Tampa Bay Water provides wholesale water to the public utility systems of Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas counties, as well as the cities of New Port Richey, St. Petersburg and Tampa, who in turn serve 2.5 million people in the Tampa Bay region. To learn more about Tampa Bay Water, please visit

Founded in 1886, American Water is the largest investor-owned U.S. water and wastewater utility company. With headquarters in Voorhees, N.J., the company employs approximately 7,000 dedicated professionals who provide drinking water, wastewater and other related services to approximately 16 million people in 35 states and Ontario and Manitoba, Canada.

Based in Madrid, Spain, ACCIONA is one of Spain’s leading business corporations with more than 35,000 employees around the world. The company operates in infrastructure, energy, water and services in more than thirty countries. As part of this group ACCIONA Agua is one of the largest water treatment companies in the world, with over 75 desalination facilities in design, construction, or operation on 5 continents and water services to more than 2.5 million people, including the largest reverse osmosis facilities in Spain, Australia, the UK, and the U.S. and recently has been awarded with the largest wastewater treatment plant in the world, located in Atotonilco, Mexico.

_________________________________ and are positioning to be a leading destination for cleantech investors researching the water space. The new water news feed Water Stocks News at and the global water stocks directory are two of the top tools available in addition to industry commentary and interviews.
Visit the water stocks directory to research publicly traded water companies

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Water Stocks news - Insituform Receives Contracts Valued at US $19.9 Million to Rehabilitate Wastewater Pipelines in Singapore

Insituform Receives Contracts Valued at US $19.9 Million to Rehabilitate Wastewater Pipelines in Singapore

ST. LOUIS--Insituform Technologies; Inc. (Nasdaq Global Select Market: INSU) announced today that its Singapore subsidiary; Insitu Envirotech (S.E. Asia) Pte Ltd. (“Insituform”); has been awarded four contracts totaling US $18.5 million.
Under the contracts; Insituform will perform work for the Public Utility Board (PUB); Singapore’s national water agency; and rehabilitate approximately 50 miles of sewer pipeline though the use of the Insituform® cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) process. Insituform also announced it has received an additional US $1.4 million in orders to supply CIPP tube to third parties in Singapore.

For the year; Insituform has received approximately $3.1 million in third-party; CIPP tube sale orders.

In 2009; PUB; Singapore’s publicly-owned water utility; began work on a multi-year US $295 million rehabilitation program. This rehabilitation program is expected to be completed in 2014 and will upgrade over 700 miles of public sewers and 30 miles of pumping mains. PUB serves a population of over 4.5 million Singaporeans. These contracts are part of PUB’s ongoing rehabilitation program.

 “Insituform looks forward to continuing its work with PUB and to the opportunity to bid on additional work as PUB continues its ongoing rehabilitation program. In addition; we continue to provide enhanced services to the market in Singapore by supplying local rehabilitation contractors with our CIPP tube. We expect to continue this offering by supplying CIPP tubes for PUB projects for many years to come; ” said Daniel Cowan; Insituform’s Vice-President; Asia-Pacific.

 The iPlus Infusion® system for small-diameter wastewater pipelines and the iPlus® Composite system for medium- to large-diameter wastewater pipelines will be used for the first time in Singapore on this project. These next-generation CIPP solutions provide PUB with an environmentally beneficial solution. Insituform plans to utilize its air invert steam cure (AISC) technology to complete this project; which will reduce water and energy usage on the job site by approximately 95 percent.; Insituform expects this project will create 45 new positions including laborers; field management and administrative personnel in Singapore. In addition; locally-owned subcontractors will be used to complete work on this project; which is expected to begin in March 2010 and be completed by December 2011.

 “Singapore’s PUB is one of the most progressive water utilities in the world. This project; which is Phase IV in its overall sewer rehabilitation program; allows Insituform to introduce its next-generation solutions to Asia. We remain committed to partnering with PUB to ensure it can continue to meet its customer demands. By utilizing our innovative technology; PUB will be able to upgrade its system with little disruption to the people of Singapore; ” Cowan continued.;

For photography; an interview; or more information on the CIPP process and how it works; please contact Aura Joyce at 636-530-8775 

About Insituform; Insituform Technologies; Inc. is a leading worldwide provider of proprietary technologies and services for rehabilitating sewer; water; energy and mining piping systems and the corrosion protection of industrial pipelines. More information about the Company can be found on its internet site at

Forward-Looking Statements; The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a “safe harbor” for forward-looking statements. The Company makes forward-looking statements in this news release that represent the Company’s beliefs or expectations about future events or financial performance. These forward-looking statements are based on information currently available to the Company and on management’s beliefs; assumptions; estimates or projections and are not guarantees of future events or results. When used in this document; the words “anticipate; ” “estimate; ” “believe; ” “plan; ” “intend; ” “may; ” “will” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements; but are not the exclusive means of identifying such statements. Such statements are subject to known and unknown risks; uncertainties and assumptions; including those referred to in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31; 2008; as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 2; 2009; and in our subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. In light of these risks; uncertainties and assumptions; the forward-looking events may not occur. In addition; our actual results may vary materially from those anticipated; estimated; suggested or projected. Except as required by law; we do not assume a duty to update forward-looking statement; whether as a result of new information; future events or otherwise. Investors should; however; review additional disclosures made by the Company from time to time in its periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Please use caution and do not place reliance on forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements made by the Company in this news release are qualified by these cautionary statements.; Insituform®; iPlus Infusion®; iPlus® Composite and the Insituform® logo are the registered trademarks of Insituform Technologies; Inc. and its affiliates.
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

What if a Million More Investors Invest in Green Technology and Water Technology?

What if a Million More Investors Invest in Green Technology and Water Technology?

Investor Ideas Membership Campaign for 2010; One Million Members Stronger…

POINT ROBERTS, Wash., Delta, B.C.–Februar18, 2010 -, a global investor research portal covering leading sectors, with a primary focus on environment and water has recently launched a membership campaign for 2010 ;“One Million Members Stronger… The More we know, the More we grow- the More we Grow the More we know!” was one of the first investor research portals covering renewable energy stocks and water stocks and intends to be a driving force for investors to make investment decisions that reflect their beliefs and core values. recently announced the launch of its new investor content for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) Investing. The investor research tools, Lohas news and Lohas Stock Research can be found at at

The Investor Ideas membership campaign is based on the belief that there is power in numbers and knowledge is power. As the number of members grow, will also expand content and services to its members, including special offers from partners and service providers catering to retail investors.

Investor Ideas Members currently get login access to 10 stock directories including all cleantech stock directories. Visit the Investor Ideas membership page to learn more at:

Current list of cleantech stock directories available to members or individually :

Renewable Energy Stocks Directory
( Global Green and Renewable Energy Stocks Directory in PDF format includes over 900 stocks on the TSX, TSX Venture, OTC, NASDAQ, AMEX, NYSE, ASX, AIM and other leading global Stock Exchanges . The directory features hyperlinks to stocks symbol(s), company’s URL and company’s description. The directory includes info and links on Alternative Energy Funds, Biogas and Ethanol Stocks, Energy Efficiency Stocks, Flywheel Stocks, Fuel Cell Stocks, Geothermal Stocks, Hydrogen Production, Micro Turbine Stocks, Solar Stocks, Smart Grid Stocks, Green Transportation, Wind Power and Wind Energy Stocks and Green Infrastructure Stocks. For investors following green stocks, this is the most comprehensive global stock directory online.

Water Stocks Directory – ( ) Global Water Stocks Directory of publicly traded water stocks listed on the TSX, TSX Venture, OTC, NASDAQ, AMEX, NYSE, ASX, AIM and other leading global Stock Exchanges. The stock directory features water stocks ranging from desalination companies to bottled water stocks, to infrastructure, water treatment and technology as well as other sub sectors. The directory in PDF format, features hyperlinks to stocks symbol(s), company's URL and company's description. For investors following water stocks this is one of the most comprehensive directories in the sector available.

Environment/ Lohas Stocks Directory – ( )

Global Green Stocks Directory of Publicly traded Environmental Stocks listed on the TSX, TSX Venture, OTC, NASDAQ, AMEX, NYSE, ASX, AIM and other leading global Stock Exchanges. The directory in PDF format, features hyperlinks to stocks symbol(s), company's URL and company's description.

The environment stocks directory is broken down into the following sub sectors for investors:

Environment Stocks Directory - Global Green Stocks Directory of Publicly traded Environmental Stocks listed on the TSX, TSX Venture, OTC, NASDAQ, AMEX, NYSE, ASX, AIM and other leading global Stock Exchanges. The directory in PDF format, features hyperlinks to stocks symbol(s), company's URL and company's description.

The environment stocks directory is broken down into the following sub sectors for investors:

Air Control Technology & CO2 Recycling
Clean Coal Stocks
Energy Efficiency Stocks
Environment Consultancy Stocks
Environment Stocks & Green Tech Stocks - General
Garments & Textiles Stocks
Green Building and Sustainable Construction Materials
Green Certificates - Carbon Credit Stocks

Natural, Organic & Alternative Health
Oil Industry Environmental Technology
Recycling and Biodegradable Stocks
Sustainable Construction & Materials Stocks
Sustainable & Social Financial Institution Stocks
Waste to Energy
Water Treatment Technology Stocks

Fuel Cell Stocks Directory – (
 ) Global Directory of Publicly traded Fuel Cell Stocks listed on the TSX, TSX Venture, OTC, NASDAQ, AMEX, NYSE, ASX, AIM and other leading global Stock Exchanges. The directory includes small cap, micro cap as well as large cap NYSE listed stocks for review. For green investors looking for opportunities in the fuel cell sector, the comprehensive global directory in PDF format provides a great research tool with hyperlinks to stocks symbol(s), company's URL and company's description.

Natural Gas Stocks Directory (

Global Directory of Publicly traded Natural Gas Stocks listed on the TSX, TSX Venture, OTC, NASDAQ, AMEX, NYSE, ASX, AIM and other leading global Stock Exchanges. The directory includes small cap, micro cap as well as large cap NYSE listed stocks for review. Natural gas stocks included range from LNG, Coal Bed Methane to exploration and producers in the sector . The directory in PDF format, features hyperlinks to stocks symbol(s), company's URL and company's description.

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Investor Ideas is a global financial media online destination specialized in sector investing content. Investor Ideas (and portals within the hub) was one of the first online investing and business resources providing in-depth information, news and stock directories in renewable energy, homeland security and water sectors. features over twenty industry sectors and global markets including China, India, Middle East and Australia.

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