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Thursday, June 24, 2010 - Water Stocks; Afghanistan's Kabul Basin Faces Major Water Challenges - Water Stocks; Afghanistan's Kabul Basin Faces Major Water Challenges

Water Stocks; Afghanistan's Kabul Basin Faces Major Water Challenges
Category: Investment, Water, Renewable Energy

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey - June 24, 2010 ( water newswire) - In the next 50 years, it is estimated that drinking water needs in the Kabul Basin of Afghanistan may increase sixfold due to population increases resulting from returning refugees. It is also likely that future water resources in the Kabul Basin will be reduced as a result of increasing air temperatures associated with global climate change. These are the findings of a new study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey.

The study estimates that at least 60 percent of shallow groundwater-supply wells would be affected and may become dry or inoperative as a result of climate change. Groundwater in the basin’s less widely used deep aquifer may supply future needs; however, the sustainability of this resource for large withdrawals, such as agricultural uses, is uncertain. Contamination is also a concern in shallow drinking water sources in Kabul.
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